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The Rise of Server-Side Tracking: Your Gateway with MetricsGate

Explore server-side tracking with MetricsGate, where pre-configured components and GTM integration simplify your analytics setup. Learn how our platform makes advanced data collection accessible and compliant.

Welcome to MetricsGate

In this article, we explored the basics of server-side tagging, a method for accurate, efficient, and controlled web analytics, and discussed MetricsGate, a cost-effective platform that automates server-side tracking and seamlessly integrates with various tracking services, offering businesses deeper insights into their online audience's behavior.

Using server-side tracking on ecommerce sites

Explore the advantages of server-side tracking with MetricsGate. Dive into the distinctions between first and third-party cookies, understand the significance of cookieless tracking, and discover how MetricsGate automates GA4 and GTM configurations for optimal ecommerce insights.

Join early adopters globally and leverage server-side tagging, GA4 custom events, and cookieless tracking to gain deeper insights and enhanced analytics data about your visitors!

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